Priority 10 Panel STD Test Details

If you are sexually active, there is never a bad time to be tested for STDs. Many STDs come without symptoms, so you could unknowingly spread the infection to others and even potentially create long-term health problems for yourself.

The Priority STD 10 panel test identifies the presence of the specific bacteria or antibodies responsible for several different infections, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, herpes 1 and 2, HIV 1Ab, HIV 1 Ag, and HIV 2 Ab. Testing is FDA-approved, prioritizing your privacy to ensure you get the desired results. When you choose Priority STD, there are no surprise fees, no long waits to receive testing supplies or results, and no uncomfortable situations.

When you’re in need of STD testing, you don’t want to wait. Ordering a test through Priority STD can be done discreetly online or over the phone. Once your order is placed, you can visit any of the 4,000 private testing locations on the same day with no appointment needed. Because these collection facilities perform a variety of health testing, no one will know why you’re there, and the facilities themselves are professional and value your privacy. Your samples will be analyzed, and results will be provided through Priority STD’s secure patient login within 72 hours. You will receive an email when the full results are ready, and care counselors are available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your results.

The 10-panel test requires blood and urine samples, but with the help of professional lab technicians, the test is easy and relatively pain-free. The lab technician will provide clear instructions during your visit to ensure no contamination for the most accurate results. If you test positive for any of the STDs included in the test, Priority STD offers easy access to antibiotic treatment when applicable, as well as care counseling, or you can contact your healthcare provider with your results for treatment options.

Priority STD only uses CLIA-certified labs, and they meet the high standards required to obtain both state and federal certifications.

Order Priority STD Tests

Test for Common STDs with a Priority 10-Panel STD Test


Chlamydia is a common STD caused by bacteria that is spread through sexual activity. Although many individuals experience no symptoms, some may have abnormal discharge, burning during urination, pain or swelling, and more. Untreated chlamydia can lead to long-term health complications, especially in women, but the STD is curable with antibiotic medications.


Gonorrhea is a common STD, especially in younger individuals ages 15-24. The infection is caused by bacteria that is spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person. While it often comes with no symptoms, some may experience pain or burning during urination, discharge, bleeding, and more. Untreated gonorrhea can result in serious, permanent health problems for both men and women, but it is curable with medication.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). This virus can spread through blood, semen, or other bodily fluids via sexual contact, needle sharing, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment. Not everyone will have symptoms, but those that do experience fatigue, poor appetite, stomach pain, nausea, and jaundice. With acute infections, supportive treatment for symptoms is used. Chronic infections will require antiviral medications and regular monitoring to prevent liver damage and cancer. For those able, hepatitis B is preventable with vaccination.

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). This virus primarily spreads by exposure to blood from an infected person, usually from sharing needles or other drug-injecting equipment. Some will only experience hep C as a short-term illness, but others can turn into a chronic condition with no symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage. Chronic hepatitis C is curable with several weeks of oral therapy medications, but damage to the body may be irreversible.


Syphilis is an STD that can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. The disease is spread through direct contact with a syphilis sore during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Syphilis develops in four stages, each with different symptoms, but the earlier it is diagnosed and treated, the less likely you are to have serious health problems, including internal organ damage and death. While it can be cured at any stage with antibiotics, any damage that has been done is irreversible.

Herpes 1

Herpes 1 (or HSV-1) is a virus typically known to cause oral herpes, including cold sores, but it could also cause genital herpes if oral sex is performed while sores are present. Herpes 1 can spread from infected saliva or skin in the oral area. There is no cure, but medications can help prevent or shorten outbreaks to lessen the chance of passing the virus to others.

Herpes 2

Herpes 2 (or HSV-2) is the virus that most commonly causes genital herpes. The virus is spread primarily through contact with a herpes sore, infected genital fluids, or skin in the genital area of an infected individual. There is no cure for genital herpes, but certain medications can help prevent or shorten outbreaks, lowering the chance of spreading the virus to others.

HIV 1 Ab

HIV is a viral infection that can weaken the body’s immune system and, if left untreated, can develop into AIDS. HIV 1 is a quicker-developing form of the virus and has a higher transmission rate when compared to HIV 2. The HIV 1 Ab test specifically screens for the presence of antibodies to the HIV 1 virus. While there is no cure for HIV, treatments are available to help manage and slow disease progression, as well as decrease the viral load to undetectable levels to help prevent spreading it to others.

HIV 1 Ag

HIV is a viral infection that can weaken the body’s immune system and, if left untreated, can develop into AIDS. HIV 1 is a quicker-developing form of the virus and has a higher transmission rate when compared to HIV 2. The HIV 1 Ag test specifically screens for the presence of antigens to the HIV 1 virus. While there is no cure for HIV, treatments are available to help manage and slow disease progression, as well as decrease the viral load to undetectable levels to help prevent spreading it to others.

HIV 2 Ab

HIV is a viral infection that can weaken the body’s immune system and, if left untreated, can develop into AIDS. HIV 2 is a slower-developing form of the virus and has a lower transmission rate when compared to HIV 1. The HIV 2 Ab test specifically screens for the presence of antibodies to the HIV 2 virus. While there is no cure for HIV, treatments are available to help manage and slow disease progression, as well as decrease the viral load to undetectable levels to help prevent spreading it to others.


What’s Included with Every Priority STD 10-Panel Test

  • Discreet STD testing from a local, professional collection facility
  • Same-day visits available, or your order is valid for 90 days from purchase for testing that’s convenient with your schedule
  • No waiting for test materials
  • No shipping required
  • Fast, reliable results available within 24-72 hours



Why Choose the Priority STD 10-Panel Test?

  • The Priority STD 10 panel test uses highly accurate methods for screening urine and blood samples
  • All labs working with Priority STD are CLIA-certified, indicating they meet the high standards in order to obtain state and federal certifications, and are submitted to regular inspections
  • Priority STD is a HIPAA-compliant company with FDA-approved testing
  • Results are easy to understand and you are provided with guidance toward the next steps to achieve health and wellness
  • Same-day visits are available with no appointment necessary
  • Priority STD provides the necessary information to file a self-claim with insurance for reimbursement – no direct insurance billing to keep results off your permanent health record